Rachel Crowther

RachelPete II-s‘s parents met at a dance at Cecil Sharp House in London and, given this background, it’s no surprise that Rachel was introduced to the folk dance world at the tender age of 14. She spent some years enjoying social dance before she was tempted by the Dark Side, bought a bass guitar and joined the house band at Fleet folk dance club in 1986. When she returned to university in her native Manchester, Rachel formed a band at the folk society there. Since then, she’s been involved with several bands as bass guitarist, keyboard player, caller and/or sound crew, although she thinks she’s never done all of them at the same time.

Rachel’s one of those musicians who rarely plays the same tune twice the same way. Whether she’s adding a subtle emphasis to a dreamy waltz or laying down a strong bass riff under an energetic polka, you can be sure of a fresh and highly danceable experience.

Rachel apparently works as a software architect and developer, although at 2am on a Sunday she often feels that her working life consists of lugging large P.A. rigs into and out of cars in the dark. The terminally curious can find out more about her at her web site.